
安全与人权知识中心网站由日内瓦国际安全治理中心 (DCAF) 和红十字国际委员会(ICRC)联合建立,旨在为在复杂环境中面临安全和人权挑战的公司及相关参与方提供支持



日内瓦国际安全治理中心 (DCAF) 是一家国际基金会,其使命是帮助国际社会在安全领域实现良好治理。该中心提供安全管理顾问支持,发展和推广相关规则和标准,开展政策研究,识别良好实践并加以推广,开展项目以支持相关国际规范和良好做法的实施。红十字国际委员会 (ICRC) 成立于1863年,是一个公正、中立和独立的人道组织,其使命是保护武装冲突和其它暴力局势受害者的生命与尊严,并给他们提供援助。





了解有关 DCAF-ICRC 合作伙伴关系的新视频:在复杂环境中管理安全与企业社会责任



Responsible security management is challenging in complex environments where governance is weak. Ineffective security management can result in risks to company operations and personnel and can jeopardize the human rights of local communities. In conflict-affected areas, companies can never be considered as neutral, as their mere presence and actions will inevitably impact the dynamics of conflict or crisis.

Where can companies turn to for guidance and support?

The DCAF-ICRC Knowledge Hub is a digital space designed to foster dialogue, facilitate learning and promote good business practices for companies in responsible security management and compliance with human rights and international humanitarian law.

Drawing on extensive experience and expertise of the ICRC and DCAF, as well as a vast network of practitioners, risk managers, and policymakers, the Knowledge Hub and Toolkit - our flagship guidance - provide comprehensive and dynamic resources for companies seeking to build synergies and trust-based relationships with security providers (public or private), governments, and local communities.


Practical guide for the implementation of human rights due diligence

Practical guide for the implementation of human rights due diligence

This practical guide helps both SMEs and large companies to develop and implement pragmatic and effective human rights due diligence processes in line with the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines.
ICMM Human Rights Due Diligence Guidance

ICMM Human Rights Due Diligence Guidance

ICMM’s updated Human Rights Due Diligence Guidance is an important resource that will help mining companies to better integrate human rights into existing risk management approaches.
Security, Conflict, and Sustainability: Strengthening the GRI Sustainability Standards for Corporate Reporting on Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas

Security, Conflict, and Sustainability: Strengthening the GRI Sustainability Standards for Corporate Reporting on Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas

Managing and responding to human rights-related risks in conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) is challenging for many businesses. Yet, it is in these areas where the most egregious human rights abuses and violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) occur, and therefore must be a focus of attention for any business that wishes to operate sustainably and responsibly.
Business and Human Rights in Challenging Contexts Considerations for Remaining and Exiting (OHCHR, 2023)

Business and Human Rights in Challenging Contexts Considerations for Remaining and Exiting (OHCHR, 2023)

This note provides clarifications concerning the expectations of business enterprises according to the UNGPs regarding whether and how to remain in or exit challenging operating contexts or business relationships.
How do the pieces fit in the puzzle? Making sense of EU regulatory initiatives related to business and human rights (The Danish Institute for Human Rights)

How do the pieces fit in the puzzle? Making sense of EU regulatory initiatives related to business and human rights (The Danish Institute for Human Rights)

This report provides a snapshot of the various EU regulatory initiatives relevant to business and human rights, including those laws entirely or partially related to armed conflict.
Investor Toolkit on Human Rights and Armed Conflict (Responsible Investment Association Australasia)

Investor Toolkit on Human Rights and Armed Conflict (Responsible Investment Association Australasia)

This toolkit offers comprehensive guidance to investors on identifying potential conflict-affected contexts where their portfolio companies may operate.
Provision of an indicative, non-exhaustive list of Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs) under Regulation 2017/821

Provision of an indicative, non-exhaustive list of Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRAs) under Regulation 2017/821

he methodology is a reference for businesses to comprehend the process of identifying conflict-affected and high risk areas and find an extensive list of relevant databases and resources to perform this task.
Mining Royalties: A Global Study of their Impact on Investors, Government, and Civil Society (The World Bank, 2006)

Mining Royalties: A Global Study of their Impact on Investors, Government, and Civil Society (The World Bank, 2006)

Mining Royalties: A Global Study of their Impact on Investors, Government, and Civil Society (The World Bank, 2006)
Fragile! Handle with Care: Multinationals and Conflict

Fragile! Handle with Care: Multinationals and Conflict

Fragile! Handle with Care: Multinationals and Conflict
Child Rights and Security Handbook: An implementation companion to the Child Rights and Security Checklist (UNICEF, 2018)

Child Rights and Security Handbook: An implementation companion to the Child Rights and Security Checklist (UNICEF, 2018)

Child Rights and Security Handbook: An implementation companion to the Child Rights and Security Checklist (UNICEF, 2018)
Child Rights and Security Checklist (UNICEF, 2017)

Child Rights and Security Checklist (UNICEF, 2017)

Child Rights and Security Checklist (UNICEF, 2017)
Child Rights and Mining Toolkit (UNICEF, 2017)

Child Rights and Mining Toolkit (UNICEF, 2017)

Child Rights and Mining Toolkit (UNICEF, 2017)
Local Content: A Guidance Document for the Oil and Gas Industry (IPIECA, 2016)

Local Content: A Guidance Document for the Oil and Gas Industry (IPIECA, 2016)

Local Content: A Guidance Document for the Oil and Gas Industry (IPIECA, 2016)
Community grievance mechanisms in the oil and gas industry (IPIECA, 2015)

Community grievance mechanisms in the oil and gas industry (IPIECA, 2015)

Community grievance mechanisms in the oil and gas industry (IPIECA, 2015)
First Engagement: A Field Guide for Explorers (PDAC, 2015)

First Engagement: A Field Guide for Explorers (PDAC, 2015)

First Engagement: A Field Guide for Explorers (PDAC, 2015)
Land acquisition and resettlement: Lessons learned

Land acquisition and resettlement: Lessons learned

Responsibly undertaking resettlement activities is one means by which companies can positively contribute to development
Site-level Grievance and Community Response Mechanisms: A Practical Design and Implementation Guide for the Resource Development Industry (MAC, 2015)

Site-level Grievance and Community Response Mechanisms: A Practical Design and Implementation Guide for the Resource Development Industry (MAC, 2015)

Site-level Grievance and Community Response Mechanisms: A Practical Design and Implementation Guide for the Resource Development Industry (MAC, 2015)
Understanding Company-Community Relations Toolkit (ICMM, 2015)

Understanding Company-Community Relations Toolkit (ICMM, 2015)

Understanding Company-Community Relations Toolkit (ICMM, 2015)
A Business Reference Guide: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN Global Compact, 2013)

A Business Reference Guide: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN Global Compact, 2013)

A Business Reference Guide: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN Global Compact, 2013)
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