Improving relations with indigenous peoples to strengthen human rights and address security challenges: A discussion with ICMM member companies and expert practitioners
Photo: David Hellmann
On 19 October, the DCAF-ICRC Partnership co-hosted a webinar with the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) to explore how companies can rigorously assess, mitigate and remediate the potential human rights impacts that their security arrangements have on indigenous peoples.
The webinar included speakers from the regional working group on the Voluntary Principles in Cusco, Peru, a non-profit organisation focusing on natural resources management in fragile contexts and a corporate expert in human rights due diligence. The experts shared their insights on:
Challenges that companies face when engaging with indigenous peoples, especially in relation to their security management.
How companies can prevent and address the impacts their security arrangements can have on indigenous communities.
How to get buy-in across different levels of the company – from executives to security forces on the ground.
Key reflections from our speakers:
One consequence of poor security management is increased distrust from indigenous population in the exercise of their freedom.”
Companies need to identify risks specific/disproportionate to indigenous peoples AND other identity-related risk factors (e.g. gender, age, etc.).”
Grievance processes need to consider traditional forms of resolving grievances and alternative justice processes within indigenous communities.”
To support coordination and implementation of responsible security practices, DCAF-ICRC and ICMM:
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