Local Content: A Guidance Document for the Oil and Gas Industry (IPIECA, 2016)

Local Content: A Guidance Document for the Oil and Gas Industry (IPIECA, 2016)


While this document is not focused on the security dimension of community engagement, its guidance on local content can prove key to addressing security and human rights challenges proactively.

Local content is defined as the local resources a project or business utilises or develops, including direct and indirect employment of nationals, the procurement of local goods and services, the improvement of domestic skills capacity and the development of infrastructure.

An inclusive and effective engagement with the local content can create shared value for all stakeholders and help prevent security issues caused by unaddressed impacts or unfulfilled commitments and community expectations. The guidance document offers good practices, templates and examples on the assessment, engagement and development of local content as well as a small section on its role for operations in conflict-affected areas.


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