DCAF-ICRC Partnership Presentation to UN Global Compact China

DCAF-ICRC Partnership Presentation to UN Global Compact China

On behalf of the DCAF-ICRC Partnership, DCAF delivered a presentation to  the Sino-Africa Corporate Community Action Network on Sustainable Development, convened by the UN Global Compact China Liaison Office. The presentation focused on “Addressing Challenges for Companies Operating in Complex Environments” and supporting Chinese companies to secure and maintain their social license to operate whenever they operate in high-risk environments. 

The meeting was hosted by Huayou Cobalt and attended by 9 companies, offering an opportunity for DCAF-ICRC to share how it supports companies in ensuring responsible business conduct and risk management in complex and conflict-affected environments. DCAF-ICRC also shared the Toolkit and highlighted how it is used to support companies: namely, in trainings and capacity building activities, and in facilitating company engagement in multi-stakeholder platforms where companies, government officials, experts, and non-governmental organisations jointly address challenges in social risk management.

Explore the dedicated web platform for Chinese stakeholders here.

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