Latin America workshop highlights multi-stakeholder working groups as key levers for human rights due diligence

A mining village in Cusco, Photo by DCAF
A mining village in Cusco, Photo by DCAF

At a workshop that gathered over 65 participants from 31 mining entities, all members of the International Council for Mining and Metals (ICMM), DCAF facilitated a session on how multi-stakeholder working groups on business, security and human rights can support companies in better implementing human rights due diligence.

The workshop, supported by twentyfifty, was organized in Lima, Peru and sensitized ICMM member companies on the 2023 Human Rights Due Diligence Guidance.  DCAF presented virtually from its field mission in Cusco.

Because many participants came from site-level operations across Latin America, the workshop discussions focused on the need to ensure regionalization of working groups. Participants discussed how local challenges require local solutions. DCAF highlighted real-life examples of working groups in observing, reporting and mediating conflict and tensions between communities, companies and their security providers, as well as the positive role that working groups play in bridging dialogue with host governments.

DCAF is a technical partner of three working groups across Latin America: The Peruvian National Working Group on the Voluntary Principles, the Cusco Regional Working Group and the Colombian Mining and Energy Committee (CME).

Explore more resources on working groups:

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