Private Security Governance National Action Plans (NAPS) on Business and Human Rights (DIHR, Danish Institute for Human Rights & DCAF, Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governa

Private Security Governance National Action Plans (NAPS) on Business and Human Rights (DIHR, Danish Institute for Human Rights & DCAF, Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governa


This Private Security Supplement provides in-depth information on the private security sector for those involved in the process of developing a National Action Plan (NAP) on business and human rights. It serves as a thematic supplement and should be read in conjunction with the National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights Toolkit: 2017 Edition (hereafter: the Toolkit) of the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR) and Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR). It is a tool for States and other human rights stakeholders, such as national human rights institutions (NHRIs) and civil society organisations (CSOs) as well as private security providers (PSPs) themselves,1 to evaluate the human rights risks and impacts of ongoing and potential private security operations and services.


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