Requests for proposals and selection of potential contractors

Key information to request in the request for proposals, as well as a checklist, can be found in the Contract Guidance Tool for Private Military and Security Services (DCAF 2017). While this resource is framed as a contracting tool for States seeking to contract private military and security services—or private security providers—its criteria are applicable and useful to companies who undertake contracting.

Excerpt from Part 1: Bidding and selection of potential contractors:

The RfP should be developed on the basis of a previously performed in-field needs assessment, taking into consideration particularly the needs and impacts of contracting the services of [private security providers] The needs assessment should also proactively evaluate the most significant risks, in order to determine the appropriate security measure while avoiding unnecessary action. Furthermore, the process should be managed by a responsible authority or office, with adequate resources and trained personnel to handle contracting effectively. It should be noted that the proposed criteria for inclusion in the RfP mentioned in this tool represent minimum criteria to consider and do not aim to be exhaustive.

The RfP should include a detailed description of the mandate and the contractor’s responsibilities:

Definition of the mandate:

Add any other criteria that automatically disqualifies a potential contractor regardless of other criteria.

Exclusion criteria should at least entail:

The RfP should require the potential contractor to provide sufficient evidence concerning the following criteria, which will also be included in the contract:

The RfP should also require that bids include the following information: