Advancing Security and Human Rights in the Extractive Sector: Highlights from the 2025 Plenary Meeting of the Voluntary Principles Initiative

Participants of the Plenary Meeting, March 2025
Participants of the Plenary Meeting, March 2025

From 18 to 21 March 2025, the annual Plenary Meeting of the Voluntary Principles Initiative (VPI) took place in London, gathering key stakeholders from governments, civil society, and the private sector to discuss the implementation of the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPs). The DCAF-ICRC Partnership participated in the meeting as both DCAF and ICRC are Permanent Observers. DCAF is also a strategic partner for the in-country implementation of the VPs in several contexts, contributing to discussions around the challenges and opportunities for advancing responsible security practices.

Key sessions focused on Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Peru as well as in Latin America at large. Government representatives from Mozambique and DRC shared updates on the development of their VPs National Action Plans (NAPs), highlighting their ongoing commitment to embedding human rights and security considerations into national frameworks.

A significant moment was the workshop "Invigorating the VPs in Peru," organized by the Cusco-based civil society organisation Centro Guaman  Poma de Ayala - Secretariat of the regional VPs in-country working group. The workshop brought together stakeholders from civil society, the private sector, international donors, and Colombian partners to reflect on current challenges and successes of implementing the VPs in Peru. Discussions focused on improving trust between stakeholders, enhancing corporate engagement, and ensuring the sustainability of in-country working groups on the VPs. The workshop generated a set of recommendations that will inform future strategies for strengthening the working groups.

In addition to country-specific updates, the Plenary included a range of thematic workshops and breakout sessions. One breakout session explored the role of grievance mechanisms and best practices for addressing disputes between companies, local communities, and security forces. Another session addressed the use of Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) between companies and public security forces as leverage to advance security and human rights good practices, examining both their advantages and limitations. Discussions also delved into the challenges faced by companies operating in conflict-affected areas, with a focus on how to integrate human rights due diligence into corporate policies. Meanwhile, a breakout session on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) explored how to address the links between ASM, organized crime, and armed groups, focusing on the role and responsibilities of companies and governments in mitigating these risks.

The Plenary underscored the importance of continued collaboration between governments, businesses, and civil society to promote human rights-respecting security practices in the extractive sector. The role of DCAF’s Security and Human Rights Implementation Mechanism (SHRIM) was highlighted as an essential tool to focus resources and political on in-country implementation of the VPs in complex environments. VPI Member governments including Switzerland and the United Kingdom – incoming Chair of the VPI - are key contributors to the SHRIM.

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