Grievance Mechanisms

88 articles:

Fragile! Handle with Care: Multinationals and Conflict

Fragile! Handle with Care: Multinationals and Conflict

Child Rights and Security Handbook: An implementation companion to the Child Rights and Security Checklist (UNICEF, 2018)

Child Rights and Security Handbook: An implementation companion to the Child Rights and Security Checklist (UNICEF, 2018)

Child Rights and Security Checklist (UNICEF, 2017)

Child Rights and Security Checklist (UNICEF, 2017)

Child Rights and Mining Toolkit (UNICEF, 2017)

Child Rights and Mining Toolkit (UNICEF, 2017)

Community grievance mechanisms in the oil and gas industry (IPIECA, 2015)

Community grievance mechanisms in the oil and gas industry (IPIECA, 2015)

Land acquisition and resettlement: Lessons learned

Responsibly undertaking resettlement activities is one means by which companies can positively contribute to development

Site-level Grievance and Community Response Mechanisms: A Practical Design and Implementation Guide for the Resource Development Industry (MAC, 2015)

Site-level Grievance and Community Response Mechanisms: A Practical Design and Implementation Guide for the Resource Development Industry (MAC, 2015)

Understanding Company-Community Relations Toolkit (ICMM, 2015)

Understanding Company-Community Relations Toolkit (ICMM, 2015)

A Business Reference Guide: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN Global Compact, 2013)

A Business Reference Guide: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN Global Compact, 2013)

FPIC and the Extractive Industries: A Guide to Applying the Spirit of Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Industrial Projects (IIED, 2013)

FPIC and the Extractive Industries: A Guide to Applying the Spirit of Free, Prior and Informed Consent in Industrial Projects (IIED, 2013)

Operational Level Grievance Mechanisms: Good Practice Survey (IPIECA, 2012)

Operational Level Grievance Mechanisms: Good Practice Survey (IPIECA, 2012)

Community Development Toolkit (ICMM, 2012)

Community Development Toolkit (ICMM, 2012)

Piloting Principles for Effective Company-Stakeholder Grievance Mechanisms: A Report of Lessons Learned (Rees, 2011)

Piloting Principles for Effective Company-Stakeholder Grievance Mechanisms: A Report of Lessons Learned (Rees, 2011)

Good Practice Guide - Indigenous Peoples and Mining (ICMM, 2010)

Good Practice Guide - Indigenous Peoples and Mining (ICMM, 2010)

Good Practice Note: Addressing Grievances from Project-Affected Communities (IFC, 2009)

Good Practice Note: Addressing Grievances from Project-Affected Communities (IFC, 2009)

Excellence in Social Responsibility e-toolkit (ESR) (PDAC, 2009)

Excellence in Social Responsibility e-toolkit (ESR) (PDAC, 2009)

Mapping Grievance Mechanisms in the Business and Human Rights Arena (CSR Initiative, 2008)

Mapping Grievance Mechanisms in the Business and Human Rights Arena (CSR Initiative, 2008)

Rights-Compatible Grievance Mechanisms: A Guidance Tool for Companies and Their Stakeholders (CSR Initiative, 2008)

Rights-Compatible Grievance Mechanisms: A Guidance Tool for Companies and Their Stakeholders (CSR Initiative, 2008)

Integrating Human Rights into Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessments (IPIECA, 2013)

Integrating Human Rights into Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessments (IPIECA, 2013)

Guide to Human Rights Impact Assessment and Management (IBLF and IFC, 2010)

Guide to Human Rights Impact Assessment and Management (IBLF and IFC, 2010)

Conflict-Sensitive Approaches to Development, Humanitarian Assistance and Peacebuilding: Resource Pack (APFO, CECORE, CHA, FEWER, International Alert, Saferworld, 2004)

Conflict-Sensitive Approaches to Development, Humanitarian Assistance and Peacebuilding: Resource Pack (APFO, CECORE, CHA, FEWER, International Alert, Saferworld, 2004)

Use of Security Forces: Assessing and Managing Risks and Impacts Guidance for the Private Sector in Emerging Markets (IFC, 2017)

Use of Security Forces: Assessing and Managing Risks and Impacts Guidance for the Private Sector in Emerging Markets (IFC, 2017)

Training Tool: Security Forces (UN Global Compact and Maplecroft, 2013)

Training Tool: Security Forces (UN Global Compact and Maplecroft, 2013)

Private Security Governance National Action Plans (NAPS) on Business and Human Rights (DIHR, Danish Institute for Human Rights & DCAF, Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, 2019)

Private Security Governance National Action Plans (NAPS) on Business and Human Rights (DIHR, Danish Institute for Human Rights & DCAF, Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, 2019)

Legislative Guidance Tool for States to Regulate Private Military and Security Companies (DCAF, 2016)

This Guidance Tool is aimed at parliamentarians and law and policymakers who undertake to develop new or to update existing laws for national regulation of the private military and security industry.

International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoC, 2021)

International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoC, 2021)

Academy Briefing No. 4 - The International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoC)

Academy Briefing No. 4 - The International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoC)

Management System for Quality of Private Security Company Operations - Requirements with Guidance (PSC.1 Standard)

Management System for Quality of Private Security Company Operations - Requirements with Guidance (PSC.1 Standard)

Case Study : Engagement with Communities in Mining Projects

Case Study : Engagement with Communities in Mining Projects

Company Management of Security and Human Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa

Company Management of Security and Human Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa

Dispute or Dialogue? Community perspectives on company-led grievance mechanisms (IIED, 2013)

Dispute or Dialogue? Community perspectives on company-led grievance mechanisms (IIED, 2013)

Responsible Business Advancing Peace: Examples from Companies, Investors & Global Compact Local Networks (UN Global Compact and PRI, 2013)

Responsible Business Advancing Peace: Examples from Companies, Investors & Global Compact Local Networks (UN Global Compact and PRI, 2013)

Recommendations for Hiring Private Security Providers (DCAF, ICRC, Socios Peru, and PeaceNexus, 2016)

Recommendations for Hiring Private Security Providers (DCAF, ICRC, Socios Peru, and PeaceNexus, 2016)

Reinforcing oversight of private security companies (DCAF and ICoCA)

Reinforcing oversight of private security companies (DCAF and ICoCA)

Baseline Study on Private Security Regulation in the Southern Africa Region (DCAF)

Baseline Study on Private Security Regulation in the Southern Africa Region (DCAF)

Sharing Good Practices Between Private Security Regulators in the Southern African Region

Sharing Good Practices Between Private Security Regulators in the Southern African Region

Impact of SHRIM Donors Support to DCAF Activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Impact of SHRIM Donors Support to DCAF Activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Human Rights and Business Learning Tool (Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Global Compact, OHCHR and UNGC, 2013)

Human Rights and Business Learning Tool (Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Global Compact, OHCHR and UNGC, 2013)

Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF)

Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF)

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Indigenous Peoples and the Oil and Gas Industry: Context, Issues and Emerging Good Practice (DCAF and ICRC)

Indigenous Peoples and the Oil and Gas Industry: Context, Issues and Emerging Good Practice (DCAF and ICRC)

Human Rights and Business Country Guide (DCAF and ICRC)

Human Rights and Business Country Guide (DCAF and ICRC)

International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA)

International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA)

Private Security Monitor, University of Denver

Private Security Monitor, University of Denver

Why Human Rights Matter (DCAF and ICRC)

Why Human Rights Matter (DCAF and ICRC)

Seven Indicators of Corporate Best Practice in International Humanitarian Law (Australian Red Cross and RMIT University)

Seven Indicators of Corporate Best Practice in International Humanitarian Law (Australian Red Cross and RMIT University)

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Implementation Guidance Tools (ICMM, ICRC, IFC and IPIECA, 2011)

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Implementation Guidance Tools (ICMM, ICRC, IFC and IPIECA, 2011)

Auditing Implementation of Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (Global Compact Network Canada, 2015)

Auditing Implementation of Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (Global Compact Network Canada, 2015)

The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights: An Implementation Toolkit for Major Project Sites (World Bank Group Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and Anvil Mining, 2008)

The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights: An Implementation Toolkit for Major Project Sites (World Bank Group Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and Anvil Mining, 2008)

Voluntary Principles on Security & Human Rights National-Level Implementation Guidance Note (FFP & International Alert, 2010)

Voluntary Principles on Security & Human Rights National-Level Implementation Guidance Note (FFP & International Alert, 2010)

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Implementation Guideline - An extended summary (BP, 2008)

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Implementation Guideline - An extended summary (BP, 2008)

Guidebook for Conflict Management in Mining Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic (Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia and Kalikova & Associates, 2017)

Guidebook for Conflict Management in Mining Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic (Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia and Kalikova & Associates, 2017)



Human rights due diligence in conflict-affected settings: Guidance for extractives industries (International Alert, 2018)

Human rights due diligence in conflict-affected settings: Guidance for extractives industries (International Alert, 2018)

 Multinationals and Conflict – International Principles and Guidelines for Corporate Responsibility in Conflict-affected Areas (SOMO, 2014)

Multinationals and Conflict – International Principles and Guidelines for Corporate Responsibility in Conflict-affected Areas (SOMO, 2014)

A Seat at the Table: Capacities and Limitations of Private Sector Peacebuilding (CDA Collaborative, Africa Center for Dispute Settlement, PRIO, 2018)

A Seat at the Table: Capacities and Limitations of Private Sector Peacebuilding (CDA Collaborative, Africa Center for Dispute Settlement, PRIO, 2018)

Training Tool: Doing Business in Conflict-affected Countries (UN Global Compact and Maplecroft, 2013)

Training Tool: Doing Business in Conflict-affected Countries (UN Global Compact and Maplecroft, 2013)

Red Flags - Liability Risks for Companies Operating in High-risk Zones

Red Flags - Liability Risks for Companies Operating in High-risk Zones

From Red to Green Flags - The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights in High-risk Countries (Institute for Human Rights and Business, 2011)

From Red to Green Flags - The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights in High-risk Countries (Institute for Human Rights and Business, 2011)

Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and Hight-Risk Areas: A Resource for Companies and Investors (UN Global Compact and Principles for Responsible Investment Initiative, 2010)

Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and Hight-Risk Areas: A Resource for Companies and Investors (UN Global Compact and Principles for Responsible Investment Initiative, 2010)

Conflict-Sensitive Business Practice: Guidance for Extractive Industries (International Alert, 2005)

Conflict-Sensitive Business Practice: Guidance for Extractive Industries (International Alert, 2005)

Human Rights Training Tool - 3rd edition (IPIECA, 2014)

Human Rights Training Tool - 3rd edition (IPIECA, 2014)

Oil and Gas Sector Guide on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Shift and IHRB, 2013)

Oil and Gas Sector Guide on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Shift and IHRB, 2013)

Women, Peace and Security: A Guidance for Business (Global Compact Network UK, 2021)

Women, Peace and Security: A Guidance for Business (Global Compact Network UK, 2021)

Human Rights Due Diligence Process: A Practical Guide to Implementation for Oil and Gas Companies (IPIECA, 2012)

Human Rights Due Diligence Process: A Practical Guide to Implementation for Oil and Gas Companies (IPIECA, 2012)

Oil and Gas Industry Guidance on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting (IPIECA, API and OGP, 2015)

Oil and Gas Industry Guidance on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting (IPIECA, API and OGP, 2015)

Guide to Operating in Areas of Conflict for the Oil and Gas Industry (IPIECA, 2008)

Guide to Operating in Areas of Conflict for the Oil and Gas Industry (IPIECA, 2008)

International Standards for Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and Fragile Environments: An Overview

International Standards for Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and Fragile Environments: An Overview

Protect, Respect and Remedy: a Framework for Business and Human Rights (Report for the UN Human Rights Council, 2008)

Protect, Respect and Remedy: a Framework for Business and Human Rights (Report for the UN Human Rights Council, 2008)

Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations "Protect, Respect and Remedy" Framework (United Nations Human Rights, 2011)

Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations "Protect, Respect and Remedy" Framework (United Nations Human Rights, 2011)

Responsible Mining Index - Framework 2020

Responsible Mining Index - Framework 2020

The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights: An Interpretive Guide (United Nations Human Rights, 2012)

The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights: An Interpretive Guide (United Nations Human Rights, 2012)

OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct (2018)

OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct (2018)

Doing Business with Respect for Human Rights: A Guidance Tool for Companies (Shift, Oxfam and Global Compact Network Netherlands, 2016)

Doing Business with Respect for Human Rights: A Guidance Tool for Companies (Shift, Oxfam and Global Compact Network Netherlands, 2016)

UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework (Shift and Mazars, 2015)

UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework (Shift and Mazars, 2015)

Community Score Card: A tool to strengthen mutual accountability and community-police partnership (SAHAJ and International Alert)

Community Score Card: A tool to strengthen mutual accountability and community-police partnership (SAHAJ and International Alert)

DCAF SSR Paper 13 - Business and Security Sector Reform: The Case for Corporate Security Responsibility (Mendes, 2015)

DCAF SSR Paper 13 - Business and Security Sector Reform: The Case for Corporate Security Responsibility (Mendes, 2015)

OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (2016)

OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (2016)

Practical actions for companies to identify and address the worst forms of child labour in mineral supply chains (OECD, 2017)

Practical actions for companies to identify and address the worst forms of child labour in mineral supply chains (OECD, 2017)

Human Rights in the Mining and Metals Industry - Overview, Managment Approach and Issues (ICMM, 2009)

Human Rights in the Mining and Metals Industry - Overview, Managment Approach and Issues (ICMM, 2009)

Start Here: Sustainability for Exploration, Development and Small Producing Mining Companies (NBS, 2014)

Start Here: Sustainability for Exploration, Development and Small Producing Mining Companies (NBS, 2014)

Standard for Responsible Mining (IRMA, 2018)

Standard for Responsible Mining (IRMA, 2018)

Women, Communities and Mining: The Gender Impacts of Mining and the Role of Gender Impact Assessment (Oxfam Australia, 2009)

Women, Communities and Mining: The Gender Impacts of Mining and the Role of Gender Impact Assessment (Oxfam Australia, 2009)

Due Diligence Guidance for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector (OECD, 2017)

Due Diligence Guidance for Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement in the Extractive Sector (OECD, 2017)

A Strategic Approach to Early Stakeholder Engagement - Good Practice Handbook for Junior Companies in the Extractive Industries (IFC, 2013)

A Strategic Approach to Early Stakeholder Engagement - Good Practice Handbook for Junior Companies in the Extractive Industries (IFC, 2013)

Stakeholder Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in Emerging Markets (IFC, 2007)

Stakeholder Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in Emerging Markets (IFC, 2007)

Human Rights and State-Investor Contracts: Guidance and Assessment Tool for Company Negotiators (DIHR, 2014)

Human Rights and State-Investor Contracts: Guidance and Assessment Tool for Company Negotiators (DIHR, 2014)

Guidance on Human Rights Impact Assessments for Private Security Providers

The purpose of this guidance document is to help private security companies conduct human rights due diligence (HRDD).

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