Security and Human Rights Toolkit

Security Sector Reform Programmes

There are a number of resources that can assist companies in the identification of regional and national security sector reform programmes.

  • The International Security Sector Advisory Team (ISSAT) offers detailed country- and region-specific information on security sector reform programmes, resources, experts and news. The country profiles are part of the ISSAT Security and Justice Reform Community of Practice (CoP), an online platform that allows practitioners to access and contribute to a vast repository of policy guidance documents, case studies and e-learning courses. The platform provides opportunities to identify and engage with security sector reform practitioners and programmes. The country profiles can be accessed via the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance website.  
  • The African Security Sector Network (ASSN) is an extensive network of organisations from across Africa focusing on the security sector. The network—which maintains regional hubs in Accra, Juba, Mzuzu and Nairobi—promotes cooperation between actors and organisations working in security-related domains. Learn more via the ASSN website.  
  • The Security Sector Reform Resource Centre provides country snapshots with up-to-date information on security sector reform programmes, stakeholders and donors around the world. The country snapshots do not yet cover all countries, but new information is continuously being added and expanded upon. The country snapshots can be accessed via the centre’s website.  
  • The UN Security Sector Reform Website provides an overview of international organisations, training providers and UN agencies involved in security sector reform programmes around the world. The website can be accessed via UN Peacekeeping.
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