Arms Trade Treaty: DCAF Shares Learnings from Human Rights Due Diligence in other Sectors at Side Event

Arms Trade Treaty: DCAF Shares Learnings from Human Rights Due Diligence in other Sectors at Side Event

On the occasion of the 10th Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), DCAF presented lessons learned from working with the private sector, civil society and governments to improve human rights due diligence (HRDD) approaches of companies working in high-risk operating contexts, like mining and oil/gas, or sensitive sectors, such as the private security industry.

Convened by Global Rights Compliance and Control Arms, this public event took place on 23 August 2024 and focused on the practical application of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights – and HRDD at large – to the small arms industry. DCAF presented how other private sector actors have developed and established HRDD processes and explored ways in which States can collaborate with the industry both domestically and internationally to implement guidance for the small arms industry.


·      Miguel Reyes Moncayo, Deputy Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico

·      Carolina Barrios Martinez, International Analyst Colombian Campaign to Ban Landmines

·      Jowita Mieszkowska, Legal Adviser, Global Rights Compliance

·      Jean-Michel Rousseau, Head of Business and Security Division a.i., DCAF

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