Security and Human Rights Toolkit

Examples of company policies and how they address different human rights elements

Recognition of international human rights standards, from Anglo American’s Human Rights Policy:

Our commitment to respect human rights includes recognition of all internationally- recognised human rights, in particular: those contained in the International Bill of Human Rights (which includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights); the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; and international humanitarian law, where applicable.

Provisions on labour/workplace rights, from Barrick Gold’s Human Rights Policy:

Barrick does not tolerate the use of child labour, prison labour, forcibly indentured labour, bonded labour, slavery or servitude, and adheres to the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Barrick does not tolerate discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, colour, gender, religion, political opinion, nationality or social origin, or harassment of individuals freely employed. Barrick recognizes and respects their freedom to join or refrain from joining legally authorized associations or organizations, and respects the safety and health of workers.

Provisions on security procedures, from Kosmos Energy’s Human Rights Policy:

We will implement the Voluntary Principles onSecurity and Human Rights as the foundation for our security arrangements in each country where we have an established and continuing presence. We will seek to understand the underlying context of potential and actual conflict situations and how we may either ease or exacerbate them through our actions, including our security arrangements. We will seek to ensure that personnel engaged in providing security services to our operations have been vetted against prior involvement in human rights abuses; are appropriately trained; use only proportional force and work within appropriate rules for the use of force; respect human rights; and are respectful in their interactions with people. We will ensure that timely and accurate details of security-related incidents are collected and reported both within Kosmos and to the appropriate authorities.

Provisions on community relations, from Repsol’s Human Rights and Community Relations Policy:

Repsol commits to:

  • Continuing to respect their [communities’] human rights.
  • Assessing and understanding the social and economic context where we operate in order to identify all groups within the communities in our area of influence, especially vulnerable groups.
  • Recognizing and respecting the identity and unique nature of communities; their cultural diversity; their potentially differing needs and aspirations; and their right to maintain their customs and social practices.
  • Establishing enduring relationships with communities in the area of influence of our projects and assets, based on principles of respect, cultural sensitivity, integrity, responsibility, transparency, good faith and non-discrimination.
  • Promoting transparent and proactive engagement with communities in a timely, honest and culturally appropriate manner at appropriate stages throughout the life-cycle of projects and assets on the basis of an open exchange of information.
  • Establishing grievance mechanisms at the operational level, from the start of our activities, so people directly affected by our assets and right holders (employees, suppliers, contractors, communities or whoever third party) can notify Repsol of any situation of possible impact on human rights. These mechanisms shall not be used to preclude access to judicial or other extrajudicial grievance mechanisms, as well as the legitimate and peaceful activities of human rights defenders.
  • Identifying opportunities to optimize positive impacts and promote the shared value and sustainable development of communities by contributing to local economic development, social progress and environmental preservation of the areas of influence of our projects and assets.
  • Endeavouring to obtain and maintain broad-based support of the communities in the areas of influence of our projects and assets, in ways that are respectful and appropriate to local cultural processes and traditions.
  • ecognizing and respecting the unique nature of indigenous, tribal and aboriginal peoples. Recognizing and respecting their rights, in accordance with existing legislation and with ILO Convention 169, whether or not incorporated into the national legislation of the countries in which we operate. Their rights include, among others, rights to their lands, territories and resources, right to water, their organizational, economic and social structure and their right to free, prior and informed consultation in good faith and with the objective of procuring understanding and helping reaching consent in relation to any proposed mitigation measures, such consultation to occur through appropriate procedures and in particular through their representative institutions, with consideration being given to legislative or administrative measures which may affect them directly.

Policy coherence across operation, from Norsk Hydro’s Human Rights Policy:

This document has relevance for all employees working for Norsk Hydro ASA and its wholly owned subsidiaries, including all temporary personnel, consultants and others who act on behalf of or representHydro. It is also relevant to the employees of partly owned companies if, and to the extent, approved by the governing body of such companies. For legal entities where Hydro holds less than 100 percent of the voting rights, Hydro’s representatives in the boards of directors or in other governing bodies will endeavor to follow the principles and standards in this document.

Policy coherence in the supply chain, from Hess’ Human Rights Policy:

We are committed to a strong and diversesupplier network which supports our goal of making a positive contribution in the communities where we do business. We expect contractors and suppliers torespect our voluntary commitments, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, andEnvironment, Health and Safety, Social Responsibility and related policies.

Policy coherence between company departments, from Cerrejón’s Human Rights Policy:

Cerrejón’s Human Rights Policy is aligned with the Cerrejón Way, the company’s Vision on Sustainable Development and other company policies, in particular Ethics, Social Labor Responsibility, andHealth, Safety, Environment, and Communities. It is part of and contributes to the development of the Community Relations Plan, Cerrejón’s Mission, and the practice of Responsible Mining to which we are committed.

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